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10 Questions to Ask Yourself Every Weekend

Vinita Tahalramani
The weekend is nearing. And all you can think of is making space for self care, shopping or some piled up household chores? Did you add self-assessment to your to-do list?

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This story emphasizes the importance of retrospection to lead a fulfilling life. You can begin with asking yourself the following questions to gain a broader perspective in life.
Set pen to paper the answers. This will help you understand the areas you need to work on.

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What did I Learn the Last Week?
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Make sure you become likely to learn something. Learning new can be anything that takes you towards self-improvement.

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What Was My Accomplishment Last Week?
It can be from your daily routine, like, you could wake up early the whole week, you avoided junk food for a week and anything that you could achieve.

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What Was the Most Memorable Moment Last Week?
Any moment that made you feel positive or happy. This may be a family get together, team outing, a date or just meeting a friend or appreciation at work. Appreciate and celebrate the good times as rewards for having lived well.

Questions Toward the Coming Week

What Can I Do Right Now to Make the Week Less Stressful?
Make a to-do list, try fitting this list before coming weekend by setting reminders. Work on the things that cannot be done during week days or work days.

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This is important to have a quick reality check, as to where is your time being utilized and whether you making the investments right.
What Was Last Week's Biggest Sink With Respect to Time and Money?

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Am I Carrying Any Excess Baggage into the Week That Can Be Dropped?
Burst the bubble of your unnecessary worries, thoughts, expectations as these are nothing but a mirage.

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What Is That I Have Been Avoiding Since Quite a Long?
In our daily routine, we tend to postpone certain important tasks. Say, you did not renew your car insurance or did not visit your doctor for routine checkup. This question is a reminder to avoid the delay!

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In the entire week there might be definitely someone whom you need to and wish to say thank you. This thank you will help maintain good relationships.
Is There Anyone Who Deserves a THANK YOU?

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Did My Actions in the Past Week Take Me Closer to My Goals?
If the answer to this is Yes! Keep up the good work.

And if it is No, you need to start working on this immediately.

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This is a reminder that LIFE IS TOO SHORT and if there is someone you should be spending time with. Plan it today!
If I Knew I Only Had One Week to Live, Who Would I Spend My Time With?

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Hope these questions will add value to your weekend!
Happy Weekend!