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5 Ways to Help Your Community

Make a difference in your community with these five ways to help.
Modern Times
If you want to live in a great community, you have to a part of the progress that's made. Here are five easy and fun ways to help your community.


If you're looking to connect with someone in your community, why not mentor? As a mentor, you'll make a difference in a young person's life and be a positive role model. You might help a student with schoolwork or give a teenager a safe adult to talk to. Mentoring young people means your community's children will grow into successful and positive adults.


Bringing donations to a local shelter or church is a great way to do a little good. You can donate your old clothes, your time, or purchase new supplies for churches. Whatever you have to donate will make a huge difference in your community, and you can feel good about helping out.

Organize an Event

If you're looking to put some money into the community, organize a local event. You can hold a fundraiser for your neighborhood and put that money towards fixing up the local parks or playgrounds. Not only does this put money back into your community, but it also gives everyone an event to come together and support their neighborhood.

Write Your Officials

Your local elected officials have the power to make incredible changes in your community. Take a day to write your officials and tell them everything you love about your neighborhood, as well as everything you'd love to see improved. As a resident, your opinion is very important and a personal letter can make a big impact on an elected official.

Shop Local

An excellent way to support your community is to shop locally. Give your money to your local businesses and business owners. This puts your hard-earned money back into the community, which can make a huge difference. You're supporting the local economy and your neighbors.
There are plenty of ways to support your neighborhood, from big ideas to small ones. Whatever your time commitment might be, you can support your local community and make a change.