Here are some simple tips to help you keep your mind in a prime and good shape.
Carol Evenson
The age you reach your mental peak can be influenced by external factors such as occupation and education. Luckily, once that peak has been attained, brain health does not automatically spiral downward into cognitive dysfunction.
Basic lifestyle changes can help you preserve and advance your mental peak. Whether you are looking for a competitive edge at the next board meeting or you want to stave off cognitive decline, these strategies may help improve performance.
1. Challenge Your Brain
There are plenty of ways to challenge your brain and improve its mental fitness. That is because the brain is, contrary to previous thought, very plastic. It can adapt over time to meet new challenges and overcome obstacles.
You don't have to purchase special brain games to challenge your mind unless you really want to. Try learning a new skill to create new neural pathways. learn a second (or third or fourth) language, take a continuing education class, or enroll in a MOOC through an online platform.
You can also try an old skill in a new way. For example, you might learn to write or throw with your non-dominant hand.
Directions and spatial relationships can challenge your brain, too. Take a new route to someplace familiar and then redraw it on paper. Or, draw a map of your neighborhood from memory, including as much detail as you can.
2. Get Your Hearing Checked
Recent research has shown that maintaining your hearing may be one of the simplest ways to preserve cognitive function. It appears that, when you have a hearing deficit, your brain must work extra hard to process sounds.
It recruits parts of itself that would otherwise be working on different tasks to help. This means you aren't able to function at your peak performance levels. So, go ahead and schedule an annual hearing test. If there are deficiencies, address them.
Today's hearing aids are small, lightweight, and comfortable. The cost can be prohibitive, but there are organizations that can offer assistance.
Some private insurance policies will cover at least a portion of the cost for an exam and hearing aids if they are needed. Unfortunately, Medicare does not provide coverage for hearing aids, but some part D programs do.
3. Eat a Well-Balanced Diet
Peak mental performance isn't just about prevention. Fuel your brain metabolism so it can be it's best. Eat a well-balanced diet rich in whole grains, vegetables, and fatty fish like salmon and sardines.
The Mediterranean diet is consistently favored by nutritionists and medical professionals because of its use of whole foods and adaptable plan.
A quick search of recipes that follow it's principles should turn up plenty of great options. If you aren't meeting your nutritional requirements through diet alone, consider adding a supplement to boost brain performance.
4. Practice Mindfulness
Mindfulness is the act of turning your attention inward, and focusing on where you are at the present moment on time. Breath meditation is a common and accessible form of this.
Research is still ongoing about how and why this appears to work, but proponents claim numerous benefits including improved cognitive function and lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression.
5. Stay Active
Take care of your brain by keeping your body fit. Exercise increases circulation throughout your body. Since your brain uses about 20 percent of your energy stores, the extra circulation is a boost to activity between neural cells and at synapses.
The American Heart Association recommends getting 150 minutes of moderate physical activity every week. Think walking, riding a bike, an aerobics class, or moderate swimming. Find an activity you enjoy and make it a regular part of your routine for the best results.
You might also consider inviting a friend to join you. The stimulation from socialization is great for keeping your mind limber and performing at its peak.
Take action to achieve and sustain your mental peak, no matter what that means to you. Incorporating these healthy lifestyle behaviors into your everyday routine can help you see positive results in mental performance. While you shouldn't expect miracles, you can hope to increase focus and delay or slow cognitive decline.