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Different Types of Coaching

Deepa Kartha
Coaching is a professional service available for the overall development and growth of an individual as well as an organization. Let us look at the various types of coaching that people and organizations can avail for its benefits.
"Coaching is unlocking a person's potential to maximize their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them." - Timothy Gallwey
A coach is a person who helps an individual or an organization to improve skills and achieve goals. Coaching is a great career option for people looking for an offbeat career, as they are being employed in various companies to help their employees perform at their true potential. It is also sought at individual levels for professional and personal reasons.
There are two methods of coaching: directive and non-directive. In the former, a coach guides the individual by actively teaching him or her various skills and strategies to achieve success.
On the other hand, the latter is a method where the coach guides the individual not by teaching, but by asking questions through which the individual would find out the answers or solutions and move towards his or her goals.


Business Coaching

In today's times, many companies or organizations employ coaches to help in increasing the productivity of the employees and also to improve the overall development of the company.
These professionals work with employees at different levels of the organization and through directive or non-directive methods, teach them ways to solve problems, improve their performance, and add quality to their work. One of the special branches of business coaching is executive coaching. It is for people at the higher levels, like the senior management.
Coaches work with executives to help them improve their work and also provide them effective tips to lead their team and bring out the best in them. They are also employed when the management needs assistance to start a new project, wherein they help in building strategies and guiding them to achieve their targets.

Life Coaching

This works at an individual level, where the coach works towards improving the overall life of a person or someone looking to make a significant change. With the help of proper coaching, an individual finds out the problem areas and the coach helps in finding solutions to solve them.
This is not limited to his personal life, but also his work life. He also helps the person to achieve a work-life balance, if there is a conflict between them that is leading to undue stress. He works keeping in mind what would be the best for the future of an individual.

Career Coaching

A career coach finds out the interests and capabilities of an individual and advises him on the different career options he or she can choose from. He helps them find a job, change career, or get back into the job market after a break.
In some companies, the manager or leader takes on the role of a coach, to improve the performance of the employees. Besides, in this techno-friendly world, one can also get coaching services on the phone and the Internet.