A mind map is a technique which will help you to put together your thoughts and come up with new, creative ideas and concepts. Read on to know the stepwise procedure to do a mind map...
As a writer, I often go through a phase when I am unable to come up with new ideas in writing. Organizing the thoughts, giving them a definite flow - these are some other problems which many writers encounter from time to time.
People who work in the corporate world, sometimes face certain challenges and roadblocks, for which they are unable to find a solution. There may be a lot of ideas going on in their mind with regards to how to go about taking care of a certain issue at hand, but there might be confusion as to which is the most appropriate solution.
You would be surprised to know that all such "problems of the mind", can be easily solved through one useful technique i.e. mind mapping. In a layman's language, it is a technique which is used to link a number of ideas, concepts and issues, so that there is a definite flow of thoughts and the solution of a given problem can be arrived at. It involves graphic and visual representation of thoughts, ideas and views, which makes it easier for people to link them with one another.
Mind Mapping Tips
Step # 1
The first step is to write down a central idea, a topic which you want to explore, know more about and brainstorm on. You may use a paper and some colored pens to draw the map. Circle this central theme and write it in the middle of the page. Next, come up with all kinds of ideas, thoughts and views that you have, related to this central theme.
Make arrows, arising from this central theme, and write these ideas in front of them. Think, take your time, explore and come up with as many of such ideas as you can. Mind mapping benefits the maximum when done in a group, cause this way, a lot of people add on to the "ideas" in the map.
Step # 2
Next, find relationships between all these ideas that you have come up with. Use your own personalized symbols to signify them. These symbols will help you to better understand the "web of ideas" that you have created.
Also, leave a lot of space in between the "ideas", so that you have enough place to add any new thoughts and opinions that you might come up with, at a later stage. In the end, connect all the thoughts, ideas, view points, etc. with branches.
With these two simple steps, you can easily do mind mapping. Here are some more ideas that you can check out:
When mind mapping, use as many colors as possible. Colors are known to stimulate imagination and help in holding attention as well.
Do not give your map a definite shape. Let it take its own shape. An unusual shape ensures that the map is fun, unique and memorable.
If you have some more ideas pouring in and the space in the page is not sufficient, do not make it messy by trying to pour in all the ideas in one page. Instead, attach another paper to it and continue with the brain mapping activity.
To make the map even more unusual, translate your ideas into graphics and add them to the map, instead of words.
If you want to lay emphasis on some key points, write them in capital letters, while write the rest in lower case. It will help you to go through these main points easily, when you re-visit the mind map.
With these tips, you should be easily able to make a colorful, imaginative, artistic, interesting and useful mind map. Once the map is ready, go through the ideas, views and thoughts over and over again. They would definitely help you get started on your project as well as find solutions to your impending problems.