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How to Get People to Like You

Aparna Jadhav
When you are new to a certain place, it's hard to make friends and socialize. This article lists some tips to get people to like you.
Sometimes new places can get the best of us. Everything is different and intimidating, and you don't know how or when to approach a person to introduce yourself. Maybe you're an introvert, or maybe you're just shy. The truth is, most people are just like you, everyone is a little bit insecure on the inside. It's important to understand that getting people to like you is not as difficult it sounds.

At School

The easiest way to make friends is to completely be yourself. In school it is often observed that there are groups of like-minded students. This is because they share common interests and find it easy to gel with each other
  • If you are attending a new school, introduce yourself to a group of people during lunch or gym class.
  • Step up and take the lead during a school activity or a function organized in school.
  • Be friendly with your classmates and fellow students. People like friendly people.
  • Don't be an attention seeker.
  • Dress well, but don't go out of the way to look like something you aren't. Wear things that you look good in and are inherently 'you'. This will also boost your confidence.
  • Be well-mannered and well-spoken, and agree to do favors for your classmates. If you are good at a particular subject, help your fellow students with their difficulties and don't limit your knowledge to yourself.
  • Make a team when doing a class activity and take the lead. Involve other quiet students and work as friends with each one of them. They will realize that you are a kind and interesting person.
  • Ask more questions about them and their families to get to know them better. Let them know that they can share their problems and confide in you as a true friend.

At Work

If you have just joined a new office and are finding it tough to socialize with your colleagues, here are some tips you can use to get people to like you at work.
  • When you get to your new desk, take your time to get adjusted to the place.
  • After you've settled down, introduce yourself to colleagues sitting next to you. Ask them about their job profiles, the office environment, and your boss.
  • During lunch, ask them if you can join them at their table and strike up conversations regarding trending topics like sports and current affairs. The more you talk, the more they will socialize with you.
  • Invite them over for a party at your place or to watch a game over the weekend. Women can go shopping and have some fun on a sunny weekend.
  • Get to know your work friends by visiting their homes and spending time with them and their families.
  • Show trust in them and celebrate their happiness.
  • Give them reasons to like you by genuinely being nice to them and showing concern when they are in trouble.
In the end, it's how you let people know that you can be depended on when they need you. The best way to do this is by being yourself. No matter what happens, people are going to like you if you are 100% original.