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How to Simplify Your Life

Anuja Marathe Kanhere
Man has a habit of entangling his life and work, by creating a thick cocoon around himself that cuts him off from the simplicity and beauty of life. This cocoon is hard to break, as one gets used to its presence. However, if you really wish, you can bring back simplicity to your life. Here is how you can do it.
"Life is not complex. We are complex. Life is simple and the simple thing is the right thing!" ~ Oscar Wilde.
Indeed, life would be so much smoother if we stop making a fuss about it. There are times, when we start looking out for means to simplify our lives, but are not sure how to go about it.
We are not here to preach philosophy and spiritualism, but we have managed to draw out a simple list of all things that might help to simplify your life. It works on basic principles of cutting out the unwanted things from life and working out a new lifestyle to create a new simple 'YOU'!

A Simple Journey to Simplicity

Personal Life

If you wish to start rediscovering simplicity in your life, the best place to start this process is your personal life. Here is how.
✦ Start this journey by learning to de-clutter your life. To make it simple, look around your home or office and make sure to give away things that are useless and unwanted. There are plenty of people who might actually want these things and may end up thanking you after they receive these things.
✦ Make sure to jot down 5 to 10 most precious persons in your life (and there might be more) and those that made a difference to your life. Make sure to connect with them often, or reconnect with them if you may have lost touch. Try to personalize your relationship as much as possible.
✦ List out tiny activities that bring you huge happiness. It might be difficult initially, but gradually you will be able to compile this list. Make sure to perform these activities as often as you can. Try to cut down all those activities that make you unhappy.
✦ Make time for yourself, and your family, as often as you can. Try to make every moment precious. Try to make at least 5 people happy each day.
✦ Try to stay away from internet addiction and mobile phone addictions as they are often a sheer waste of time.
✦ Avoid being glued to the television and your iPod. Instead, use free time to read books that you love.
✦ Politely refuse to do things that you feel will tie you down unnecessarily.
✦ Eat a simple meal and stress on overall nutrition.
✦ Follow a healthy lifestyle and engage in some exercise to keep your body fit and toned.
✦ There is a difference between being smartly dressed and being obsessed with fashion. Dress simply and smartly in clothing that make you look your very best.
✦ Make sure to list out things you would like to do each day to avoid missing out on any key duties.

Home and Workplace

✦ Go for a minimalistic life. Choose to make your home and office look as sparsely furnished as possible.
✦ Clean your home and office regularly to make it feel nice and clean. However, do not be obsessed with the cleaning process.
✦ It is good to be involved in all domestic activities. But why not ease your life by getting things done by shelling out a few dollars? Alternately, save your energy by automating your home as much as you can.
✦ If you are blessed with a decent-sized backyard, then engage in some kitchen gardening activities so that you get to eat home-grown fresh vegetables.


✦ Stay away from the craving to show off your car. In fact, you might increase money in your kitty by going in for a small and compact car.
✦ See that you respect nature and go for an eco-friendly car. You may also opt for using a bicycle for going around your town, or for going to office. It will in fact, save your fuel expenditure and help you gain a lot of appreciation.
✦ If possible, use public transport system in your city to save on expenditure on gas.


✦ Stop being materialistic and save money from being spent on unnecessary things.
✦ Stop depending on your credit cards as you will end up being worried about bill payments. Make sure to use the credit card if only absolutely necessary.
✦ Try to avoid getting entangled in loans and payments. This will give you great peace of mind.
✦ Live a frugal lifestyle and save money wherever possible without compromising on your health and comfort.
✦ Avoid fussing on financial issues and entrust some responsibilities to your partner, or an expert financial advisor. You may even take help of an online investment and finance advisors. Try to go paperless by going for online documentation.
To put it simply, live life to the fullest without stressing on the quantity of happiness you get out of it. You see, there are hidden surprises around every bend on life's road, provided you make efforts to seek them. But do not expect to locate these surprises in a jiffy.
Relish every moment of your gradual transition to simplicity. Lastly, maintain a personal diary to record your daily experiences and expenses. This habit of writing a diary will act like a mirror to reflect your progress towards achieving simplicity.