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Is the Law of Attraction Real?

The Law of Attraction (LoA) is like any other law of the universe. Is real. Always works.
Manali Oak

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The Law of Attraction is the power of the universe due to which similar energies are attracted to each other. Whatever you focus on, can be attracted into your life.

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Don't Believe This?

Some think that the law of attraction is a lie. And discard this universal law as wishful thinking or an unnecessarily glamorized version of 'belief leads to action and actions have outcomes'.

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They think law of attraction is false because although it can induce hope and make you dream big, just focusing on something cannot help you manifest it.

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If you don't think LoA is true, read Rhonda Byrne's books in The Secret series. Read Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks. And you will know the science behind LoA and find real-life examples of how this law has worked.

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Napolean Hill's Think and Grow Rich is based on the principle of harnessing the energy of your thoughts and emotions to manifest your desires, which goes to say that the secret to realizing your dreams is the law of attraction.

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Paulo Coehlo's The Alchemist is the story of accomplishing one's dreams and finding one's true self in the process. It leaves a strong message that when you want something to happen, the whole universe conspires to help you achieve it.

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These books were a huge success because they introduced the world to how the power of the mind can be used to achieve anything and gave readers the most powerful way to live a fulfilling life. Essentially, the law of attraction.

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Science of LoA

Everything is vibrating at a certain frequency. Similar frequencies are drawn to one another.

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So you will attract the energy that you are vibrating at. If you focus on something you want, you will fire at that frequency and attract the desired people and circumstances into your life.

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Thoughts Turn into Things

If you have negative thoughts, you will attract more negativity. If you have positive thoughts, you will attract more positivity. Whatever you think of turns into your reality.

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If you act like you are successful or wealthy, you will resonate at the success or wealth frequency and thus be able to become successful or wealthy.

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Acting 'As If'

Sounds strange? At first it will, but 'acting as if' generates a positive emotion which is a catalyst for LoA.

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By 'acting as if' you don't experience the absence of what you desire, you don't harbor any limiting beliefs, and you attract the energy that matches your positive mental state.

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Programming Your Subconscious

Your ideas, beliefs and emotions are governed by the subconscious mind. Whatever you feed it, is accepted as truth.

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If you think you don't deserve something or can't achieve something, your subconscious reflects these perceptions back to you. Think good about yourself and the subconscious will mirror your thoughts into reality.

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Believe, Then Receive

Believe you are worthy of what you desire for a good life. Erase negative pictures of the past through positive visualization.

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Create positive perceptions about your desires and your subconscious will use its power to attract the good in your life. So if you wish for something and believe you will achieve it, eventually you will receive it. That's LoA.
This should have helped you understand there is nothing non-scientific about the law of attraction. It is based on facts and studies in science and psychology. And then there are Law of Attraction success stories you will find in books, forums and blogs.

Real-life Examples

  • Oprah Winfrey says, "Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe."
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger says that when he was young, he used to visualize himself being and having what he wanted to.
  • Steve Harvey is a proponent of the law of attraction and a fan of The Secret. He raises awareness about the power of thought.
  • Jim Carrey exercised LoA. He used to dream of success and imagine himself as an actor. He even wrote himself a check of $10 million for 'acting services rendered'. In some years, his imagination became his reality.
  • Will Smith says the Law of Attraction has played a key role in his success.
  • Donald Trump focuses on what he wants and gets it; that’s LoA.
If you still doubt if the law of attraction is real, experiment with it.

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Wish for something with all your heart, believe that you deserve it, get yourself to a positive state of mind and you will see the results.

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You will find yourself taking the right actions and circumstances will change for the better.
Shed those doubts and fears. Use the law of attraction to live the life of your dreams.