This lockdown phase has made me realize a lot many things. I learnt quite a few new things in this time period.
The most important lesson that I've learned is: "Dependency kills but independency thrills.."
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1. We decided to switch our daily tasks. I took up the daily chores of life like cooking, washing clothes, house cleaning, etc.
This made me realize how women are truly a multi-tasker in all respects yet never complain!
2 . I personally tried 30 different recipes and luckily, they did turn out really well.
3. Out of compulsion, we were forced to work from home. And, I realized that even the Automotive industry could function with the 'work-from-home' concept too!
4. The 5S implementation was practiced frequently and comfortably at our homes. It had a positive impact on our daily lifestyle.
5. The most important thing we need to pay attention and understand is, that our emergency services are a major necessity - across the globe, no matter what!
My Lockdown Experiences
1. Due to this lockdown; when we have nowhere to go, I got to spend quality time with my family!
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I have come closer to my loved ones and I am getting a chance to actively participate in their lives, to know them more and share their pleasures and problems.
2. This experience has taught me how important and valuable our relatives are.
All those who are with me and those who are staying away from me in these times have become more important to my life.
3. I personally have mixed feelings about this phase.
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Initially, locked up day and night at home seemed too boring and tedious, but gradually I began to enjoy this routine!
My Skills Developed
1. Online Learning - While spending most of my time in front of the laptop, I explored other online platforms for enhancing my skills.
I got ample time to improve my online skills, learn other important aspects of working online.
2. Cooking - As I've already discussed, cooking, now has become of my expertise. It has taught me to be patient and get experimental as well.
As I have a solar cooker at my place, I discovered that I could prepare several dishes in it, which initially seemed impossible!
3. Out-of-the-box thinking: Due to this pandemic, I - and am sure everyone else, have become more adaptable to the situations than cribbing about the problems.
With limited freedom, now, we know how we can easily survive in such conditions by reducing our wants and fulfilling only our basic needs.
My Best Moment
Lastly, I would simply say this: "This lockdown has only made me a better person. It has taught me to be more patient, compassionate and generous towards the people in my life and the surrounding nature."