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Powerful Self Love Affirmations That Can Change Your Life

Vinita Tahalramani
Self-love is essential to consciously make healthy choices in all domains of life. These affirmations will remind you of 'who you are' so that you tune into your true inner voice.

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Embrace these self love affirmations as they are the 'True You'
Say self love affirmations to yourself in a row daily, for atleast 10 minutes to let them sink into your mind, body and soul.

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I love myself unconditionally

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I am proud of myself
I accept myself with my flaws and imperfections

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I am full of energy and happiness

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I am important and bring immense value to the world

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I am beautiful and healthy
from inside out

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I am patient to the things happening around me

I am capable of creating a positive aura

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I trust my insights

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I have an inner value
and it is perfect

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My life and efforts are supported by universe

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I am a unique existence
I reflect the perfection of a miraculous universe

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I have the right to be myself

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Self love affirmations are the best bet to a better future.

Why not Go back and repeat!