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The 3 P's of Life: Patience, Perseverance and Persistence

Prabhanjan Borkar
Do you want to be a Winner even when you have Lost the race? Or want to be the Richest person even when you have a meager income? Come, hold my hand and let me take you to a Universe where IMPOSSIBLE becomes POSSIBLE and OBSTACLES turn into MIRACLES with these 3 P's of life.

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Did you ever walk by yourself the moment you were born?

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Surely not! You fell and stood up... again fell and you stood up...

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And then you didn't just learn how to walk, but you ran so swiftly that you left the world behind you!

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Be patient, keep on trying and doing your thing. Let time decide your success.

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Is it the end of the journey? No! It's just the beginning. There will be times when you would surely give up on your patience! Perseverance is what you need next.


Every champion was once a contender that refused to give up.

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"Perseverance is all about failing 19 times...

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succeeding the 20th."
Is it now the end of the journey? No! It's still an unfinished business. Persistence takes you a step further towards making your dream a reality.

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Persistence is a powerful weapon to fight with the challenges, struggles, and difficulties that life throws at you.

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Start being persistent no matter what comes your way!

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As long as you are persistent you can pass through the ups and downs of life.

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You will become the master of handling any event of the life that others might fail to! Witness miracles happening around you. That is the power of persistence!

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The 3 P's of life teach: 'Juggle any hurdle of your dream with a smile!'

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"Winners never quit...
& quitters never win!"