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You Deserve to Be Happy, Take the First Step

Not everyone feels happy all the time. Do you feel lost, alone? Is this you? Find out how to take the first step towards a happier future.
Keiko Misson

Life Knocks You Down

We live in a crazy, confusing, complicated, and competitive world. Every day we face the challenge of living, surviving, trying to make the most of who we are, and what we have. There are endless distractions, detours, pressures, and invisible forces that knock us down, preventing us from getting up.
Sometimes you want to hide, stay in bed, close the curtains, and forget about the world outside. You feel drained, no energy, no will, you find it difficult to sleep, to see the positives, to interact with the world outside. Some days feel harder; some days feel longer; some days feel empty; some days, we wish never happened. But, life carries on.
You probably will have felt like this at least once in your life, or maybe many times, sometimes lasting days, other times weeks, months, and even years. Perhaps you also feel like this right now. If only you could snap out of it, see the light, feel the warmth, enjoy the moment, and wake-up happy every day.
You feel frustrated, angry, depressed, why can't you be happy? Why do so many other people seem happy? Why don't they worry? Why don't they feel down? You want to scream, to shout, to even hit something, why, why, why!
But you don't, you don't scream, you don't shout, you don't even speak, you hide, back under the duvet, behind the curtains, waiting for the day to end. Friends, family, colleagues, tell you to snap out of it, to cheer up, to sort yourself out, to stop being stupid, life is too short, etc.
You get annoyed, even angry; it is so easy for them, they are happy, they don't have problems, their lives are perfect. You sigh, maybe smirk, or even produce a fake smile, and continue your battle with life in silence.

But Take the First Step to Getting Back Up

Your first need to understand that you are amazing, simple as that, no-nonsense, you are fantastic and able to do amazing things. It may sound ridiculous, crazy even, but it is true.
You already have got this far in your life, despite the challenges, the pressures, the difficulties. You may not like where you are, what you do, or even who you are, but you have got this far, and that is an achievement. You wake-up each day, and do things doesn't matter how small or how big, you do things, whether to survive, to live, you do things.

So You are Alive and are Living a Life

That is a positive, and it doesn't matter what anyone says, you exist, and have a starting point to move forward, your alive, breathing, living.

Next is to Look at You, Not at Others, You are You

It doesn't matter what the celebrity says, what the social media influences do, what the neighbors think, your life is yours, and no theirs. You need to focus your mind, to look at you, to understand yourself. For some this is easy, for others hard, you may even find looking in the mirror is hard, but do it, that is you, accept you as you are now.
Look at yourself in the present, not the past, or the future, look at your life right now. Write down your strengths, your weaknesses, the things you like, the things you hate about yourself, create a one-page persona (outline of you, call it 'Me').
Once you have created the persona, you have a starting point, a foundation. You have achieved something positive, a step towards understanding yourself better, to moving forward.

My Happiness

Next, think of the times you have felt happy, positive, optimistic, make a list of why you felt happy, what triggered it, call this list 'My Happiness.' Remember this is about you, no one else, so whatever you write, it is yours and yours only, no one can judge it apart from you.
Now you are starting to understand yourself, your feelings, emotions, and positives you can feel, however small. You have managed to take a very positive step towards a happier and more positive future. You now can focus on understanding your potential; You will be harder to knock down and will be able to get up quicker when life challenges you next.

Wake up Happy

The extract represents an insight into a new coaching method I have developed called uCAN. It focuses on helping a person reach their Wake-up Happy State, a state of profound happiness where a person wakes up and feels positive, energize, and ready for anything.
The uCAN coaching method helps a person understand themselves better, clarify their wants and needs, and take steps towards a more positive and productive future, reaching their true potential. The concept was developed initially to help my clients in Japan who suffer from anxiety and depression.
Having moved to the UK, I am thrilled to have launched my new business here called 'Wake up Happy,' come and take a look at this website. I believe that everyone can achieve amazing things, be happy, and content with life.